❄️日本 煙燻牛油 Japan Smoked Butter



每包 7g x 12粒 (7g x 12 per bag) Frozen. Consume as soon as possible after defrosted in the fridge 🥇 此產品於 2015年榮獲比利時 International Taste & Quality Institute (ITQI) 之 Superior Taste Award Marin Food Company 1957年於日本大阪由 Mr. Eikichi Yoshimura 創立,2003年 Marin Food 公司的 "Beurre Compose de Paris" 和 "Honey Sugar Butter Blend" 產品贏得 Monde Selection 金牌獎,2006年 "Sesame Butter Blend" 和 "Cheese Fondue" 產品贏得了 Monde Selection 金牌獎並獲得ISO9001品質認證 使用蘋果木煙燻方式使煙燻奶油香氣獨特又濃郁,搽多士一流! 急凍產品。放雪櫃解凍後盡快食用。 SMOKED BUTTER is applewood smoked, all natural with no preservatives and gives a savory smoked/bbq finish to your favorite mash potato, steak, seafood, onions, mushroom, sweetcorn dishes. Our product was awarded the iTQi Superior taste award in 2015 as well as a Silver for taste from Monde Selection in 2016. * Excellent on toasts !!

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