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✅ Low Carb 低碳類
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🌾🚫 Gluten Free 無麩質
🍲 Hotpot 火鍋攻略
🐃 Beef 上品牛
🐖 Pork 優質豬
🐓 Poultry 雞鴨鵝
🐓 Chicken 雞
🦆 Duck 鴨
🦢 Other Poultry 其他家禽
🐑 Lamb 羊肉
🦘🦌 Other meats 其他肉類
🐟 Seafood 海產物
🐡 Fish 魚
🦐 Shrimp 蝦
🦀 Crab 蟹
🌊 Other Seafood 其他海鮮
🍣 Sashimi 急凍刺身
🍖 Sausages 火腿腸
🍢 Meatballs 丸類
🥟 Dumplings 餃子
🥬 Vegetables 安全蔬菜
🍎 Fruit Items 水果
🍚 Starch 粉麵飯
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🌾 Grains & Meals 穀麥類
👩🏻🍳 Baking 烘焙
🥜 Nuts & Snacks 果仁和零食
🧀 Butter. Cheese. Yogurt 牛油, 芝士, 乳酪
🍮 Dessert 甜點
🥣 Soup Base 靚湯
🧂Oil & Seasoning 油鹽醬醋
☕️ Coffee & Tea 咖啡茶
🥛Milk / Rice drinks 奶/米飲品
🍹Fruit juice 果汁
🥃 Wine 美酒
🍽Kitchen Accessories 廚房用品
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Let's Cook 煮吧!
Tentang Kami
♻️日本 愛媛縣蜜柑果酒 Japan Ehime Mandarin Wine
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每樽500ml 使用全日本知名的愛媛八幡浜產蜜柑 橘子含有大量維他命A,對付粗糙皮膚,斑點和雀斑特別有效。它還含豐富膳食纖維,並具有激活腸道和抑制壞膽固醇的功能 成份:100%愛媛縣蜜柑、釀造酒 酒精度 Alcohol degree : 7% ⚠️ 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類 As one of Japan’s leading producers of citrus, Ehime Prefecture, of which Matsuyama is the capital, is known as the ‘Citrus Kingdom’ Mandarins contain significant amount of vitamin A which is essential for keeping healthy skin, fight against accumulation of colour pigment or freckles on skin. They also contain large amount of dietary fibre keeping active bowel movement, suppress cholesterol buildup. Ingredients: 100% Japan Ehime Prefecture Mandarin, distilled liquor Alcohol content : 7% ⚠️ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business
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