♻️日本 秋川牧園檸檬雞肉咖哩 Japan Akikawa Lemon Chicken Curry



每包180g per pack * 全天然沒任何人工添加 * 原料/飼養不使用抗生素、抗菌劑、荷爾蒙 * 使用的原料大部份都是秋川牧園的素材,蔬菜、麵粉和其他原料也是按照秋川牧園的標準選擇 不使用多餘的添加劑,安心、安全的蒸餾咖哩。加入乳酪美味多汁的嫩雞和檸檬酸味讓人食慾大增。只需用熱水或微波爐加熱即可輕鬆食用。 成份: 雞肉、炒洋蔥、忌廉、乳酪、番茄醬、紅花油、麵粉、糖、檸檬汁、全脂奶粉、咖哩粉、食鹽、薑蓉 * 100% natural with no addictive * Raw ingredients / farming do not involve using any antibiotics, antibacterial chemicals or added hormones * Most of the raw ingredients used are from Akikawa farm. Vegetables, flour and other ingredients are also selected according to the standards of Akikawa farm Adding yogurt to the curry enhances the chicken meat texture. The mixture can be easily prepared by heating up the pouch in hot water or in microwave oven. Ingredients: Chicken, fried onion, cream, yogurt, tomato paste, safflower oil, flour, sugar, lemon juice, full-fat milk powder, curry powder, salt, ginger puree
