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♻️ 意大利 15%黑松露醬 Italy Giuliano Tartufi 15% Black Truffle Sauce
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每樽130g * 黑松露醬比例為 15% * 配搭建議:多士、蒜蓉包、意粉、薯蓉、意大利燴飯、餃子餡、薄餅、奄列、扒類、蔬菜、海鮮、小籠包等等 黑松露醬把黑松露的成份都切成微粒,使其口感變得極致香滑,香氣撲鼻,可用來配搭多種食材,例如意粉、雞蛋、多士等。而且松露含豐富蛋白質及多種維他命,價格之高堪比鑽石,被譽為「餐桌上的鑽石」、「地下黃金」 中國醫學院研究證明,松露中含有多種對人體健康有益的活性成分,調理內分泌的顯著功效,可使女性的皮膚柔軟光滑,毛孔細緻。研究發現黑松露中的鞘脂可以健腦。鞘脂能促進腦神經細胞的生長,使其分支增加,增加腦神經細胞之間的聯結,促進智力發展,具有修復損傷的神經元,治療糖尿病,預防老年痴呆,防止動脈粥樣硬化,預防心血管硬化。同時神經酰胺能增加表皮角質層厚度,提高皮膚持水能力,減少皺紋,增強皮膚彈性,延緩皮膚衰老。另外,塊菌多糖能顯著抑制肉瘤的生長,但對體外培養細胞無明顯影響,可見其抗腫瘤作用與抗腫瘤藥不同,無細胞毒作用,很可能與免疫調節有關。 成份: 磨菇、葵花籽油、特純初榨橄欖油、黑松露、鹽、調味 * 15% black truffle * Suggestions in cooking: Toasts, garlic bread, pasta, mashed potato, dumplings, risotto, pizza, omelette, steaks, vegetables, seafood etc Black truffle sauce is fantastic for cooking with countless uses. It can be a dip with crostini, as a filling for small snacks and omelettes. Potatoes, artichoke and aubergines are even better with some of this black truffle sauce, and stir it into pasta, gnocchi or risotto. Or fill your own ravioli with a mix of truffle sauce and crème fraîche with some melted cheese and olive oil. Amazing health benefits of truffle: Lower cholesterol levels / Control corneal infections / Reduce oxidative stress / Prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease / Boost cognition and prevent dementia / Eliminate symptoms of depression / Slow down the aging process / Aid immune system with anti-microbial properties / Prevent cancer / Treat trachoma and other eye infections Ingredients: Meadow mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), sunflower oil, extra virgin olive oil, summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vitt.) 2%, salt, flavouring
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