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❄️日本 急凍枝豆 Japan Frozen Edamame
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每包 500g (weight per bag) 枝豆又稱為毛豆,可作為小食甚至正餐的一部分。在日式料理中,枝豆通常連豆莢於鹽水中煮熟和冷凍後,只取種子作為小食,而中式則只取種子煮熟即吃或作為冷盤。 枝豆的蛋白質含完整的必須胺基酸,屬優質蛋白質,同時不含飽和脂肪酸和膽固醇,是理想的肉類代替品。健康飲食金字塔建議成人每天攝取5至6両肉類食物,而半杯枝豆的蛋白質含量已相等約一両肉(每100克枝豆約含10克蛋白質) 跟黃豆一樣,枝豆也含異黃酮和纖維,加上礦物質如鉀質等含量豐富,對控制血壓和維持心血管健康都有正面的幫助。值得留意的是,枝豆也含碳水化合物,需要控制血糖的人士要留意,4湯匙的枝豆已等於一滿湯匙白飯的熱量。 Young soy beans that are harvested before they have ripened or hardened are known as edamame. You can buy them shelled or in the pod, fresh or frozen. They are naturally gluten-free and low in calories, they contain no cholesterol, and they are an excellent source of protein, iron, and calcium. They can be an important source of protein for those who follow a plant-based diet. Fast facts on edamame: * Edamame is a young soy bean that is harvested early. It contains complete protein, calcium, vitamin C, and other key nutrients. * It can be eaten alone, as a tasty snack, or in soups and other dishes. * People who are allergic to soy products may not be able to eat edamame. Protein: Edamame is a complete source of dietary protein. Like meat and dairy, it provides all of the essential amino acids needed in the diet that humans cannot make themselves. Healthy fat: The beans are high in healthy polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. Isoflavones: Soy foods contain isoflavones, a type of compound known as phytoestrogens that have been linked to a lower risk for osteoporosis and cancer. A cup (155g) of edamame beans contains: 188 calories Protein 18.46g Fat 8.06g Dietary fibre 8.1g Carbohydrates 13.81g (includes sugar 3.38g) Calcium 98mg Iron 3.52mg Magnesium 99mg Phosphorus 262mg Potassium 676mg Vitamin C 9.5mg 482 mg of folate 41.4 mcg DFE of vitamin K
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