❄️越南 優質虎蝦仁 Vietnam Tiger Shrimp Meat



每包500g 約40隻 (L) (average number of pieces: 40) 每磅36-40隻 no. of pieces per pound: 36-40 去頭去殼虎蝦仁, 解凍後即可用作煮食。鮮味濃、蝦肉厚、肉質爽脆,適合作日常炒菜、配意大利粉、沙律 * IQF 個別急速冷凍,保持蝦肉鮮味彈牙,煮食後不易縮水 * ASC 認證: ASC 為獨立非牟利組織,由 WWF 及 The Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative 於 2010 年共同創立,旨在建立一個受全球認可的系統,以認證由環保養殖業生產的海鮮 Black Tiger Prawns have a notably firm-textured meat, which makes it especially forgiving and easy to work with. Prawns can be used for BBQ, pasta or salads also great for stir fry dishes. The firm meat is very tasty, and still has a firm crunchy texture after cooking. * Fresh tips: a well cooked prawn should be cooked just until it is opaque through the center. * This product is frozen IQF. Meats don't shrink much after cooking. * This product comes from a farm that has been independently certified to the ASC's standard for responsibility farmed seafood. https://www.asc-aqua.org



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