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♻️意大利 九年陳年釀醋 Italy 9 year Balsamic Vinegar of Modena
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每樽 250ml per bottle 高品質陳年黑醋,發酵九年,入口果香濃郁,酸度醇厚溫和,出產自全球最佳黑醋原產地-意大利摩德納 Modena,為正宗Modena黑醋,瓶身標籤印上「Aceto Balsamico di Modena」字句。獲歐盟摩德納黑醋原產地I.G.P.標準認證。 葡萄黑醋是利用精選的葡萄,將壓榨葡萄得來的汁液,於橡木桶中讓醋長時間自然發酵及吸收橡木的香氣,經年累月,醋變得更濃縮,色澤深濃,果香馥郁,更散發着橡木的複雜香氣。葡萄黑醋主要是由年份來定分等級,年份越長則濃度越高,味道比較強及甜,酸甜度醇厚溫和,味道層次極豐富。經常食用葡萄黑醋能有保健功效,有助通心臟血管,保持血壓正常,降低膽固醇。在意大利北部的摩德納地區主要是生產著名的葡萄黑醋,是意大利餐桌上不可決少的珍品。 100%純天然,無添加任何化合物含豐富天然抗氧化物 建議配橄㰖油點麵包、配沙律、淋上雪糕享受舌尖上美妙的味道層次 Traditional balsamic vinegar can be used in tiny amounts as a condiment with cooked or cured meats, grilled fish, drizzled over fresh fruits and berries and even ice cream or other custard desserts — or even just sipped from tiny shot glasses at the end of a meal! This 9 year Balsamic Vinegar of Modena (Aceto Balsamico di Modena) is made from grape must blended with wine vinegar, and produced exclusively in Modena, with a Protected Geographical Indication status.
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