♻️意大利 地中海紅蝦油 Italy Rosso di Mazara Red Prawn Oil



每樽100ml per bottle * 熟成似天鵝絨般的質感,入口後帶有揮之不去柔和的海洋香氣 * 用途極其廣泛,適合任何類型的烹飪,例如意大利粉、燴飯、薄餅、前菜等等 * 使用前搖勻,取出並放置一分鐘以獲最佳口感體驗 小小的瓶子裡——捕捉著紅蝦的精髓,藏着紅蝦的靈魂。透過將新鮮捕捉的紅蝦除下來的蝦頭,以-50°C將其急速冷凍,提取其紫紅色強烈而香氣獨一無二的蝦頭精髓。適宜配各種的菜餚如意大利粉、燴飯,什至其他亞洲美食。 成份: 葵花籽油、脫水地中海紅蝦 * Ripe and velvety, with a lingering aftertaste and soft marine notes at the end * Extremely versatile. Perfect for any type of culinary preparation * Ideal for pasta, risotto, gourmet pizza, antipasti * Shake and allow to oxygenate for one minute before use for an optimal taste experience Message in the Bottle – Red Prawn Elixir is an exquisite creation by Rosso di Mazara, capturing the essence of red prawn in an elegant elixir. This product is perfect for enriching a wide range of dishes, from pasta to risottos, gourmet pizzas to appetizers, and even in high pastry recipes. This elixir is obtained through an innovative process that begins with the freezing of red prawn heads at -50°C, followed by a sophisticated transformation to extract a 100% pure product. Its purplish-red color and strong, penetrating aroma make it unique in its kind. Ingredients: Sunflower seed oil, dehydrated red shrimp (from Mediterranean Sea)

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