♻️意大利 多士脆餅 Italy Grissinbon Classic Rusks Toast Slicesl



每盒七包 x 四塊 250g per box of 7 x 4pcs * 每塊3 x 2.5吋 這些經典意大利脆多士餅以 type 0 軟小麥麵粉的純生麵糰製造,傳統上在早餐時享用,配牛油、果醬、蜜糖或朱古力醬! Grissinbon 的經典多士遵循傳統配方,喜歡傳統風味的人必定喜歡。 成份: 小麥粉、葵花籽油、糖、酵母、大麥麥芽提取物、碘化鹽(鹽 / 碘酸鉀0.007%)、天然香料 📌 可能含微量大豆、芥末、豆類 * Each slice roughly 3” x 2.5” These classic rusks make the perfect addition to your breakfast. Rusks are slices of pure raw dough of soft wheat flour, traditionally eaten during breakfast, accompanied by butter, jam, honey or nutella! Classic Rusks by Grissinbon follow the traditional formula, for those who enjoy the traditional flavor. Ingredients: WHEAT flour, Sunflower seed oil , Sugar, Yeast, BARLEY malt extract , Iodized salt (salt, potassium iodate 0.007%), Natural flavourings 📌 May contain SOY, MUSTARD, LUPIN

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