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♻️意大利 檸檬糖白朱古力聖誕新年麵包 Italy Filippi Candies Lemon and White Chocolate Panettone
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每個500g each * 天然酵母和慢發酵製造酸種環境,使麵包更健康、更容易消化 * 以聞名的意大利檸檬皮製成酸甜度適中的粒粒檸檬糖 濃郁的咖啡和60%特選criollo、trinitario黑朱古力,咖啡和朱古力的濃烈香氣融合在一起,形成一種和諧的特有味道,是所有咖啡愛好者的完美選擇! 成份: 紅糖、蜜餞檸檬皮、蜂蜜、酸種麵糰,雲尼拿香味、小麥粉、白朱古力、水、牛油、鹽、鮮雞蛋 * Natural leaven and slow leavening creating sour dough environment that makes the bread healthier and more digestible * Italian lemon peel is made into lemon candied cubes with moderate sweetness and sourness. According to Filippi philosophy, everything made with care and passion, requires “its” time. Often short, efficient time frames do not produce quality products, which need “slow” time and attention. This is the nature of this Filippi’s special from the delicate banquet, in which the sweet soft taste of white chocolate blends with the slight acidulous flavour of candied lemon peel cubes. Ingredients: Brown sugar, Candied lemon peel, Honey, Sourdough, Vanilla aroma, Wheat flour, White chocolate, Water, Butter, Salt, Fresh eggs
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