♻️日本 蟹味噌かにみそ Japan Crab Miso



每罐 100g (weight per can) 60年歴史的傳統口味!使用日本的松葉蟹製成 鮮甜的蟹味噌,配搭多様化,可配沙律、豆腐、湯、麵包、拌飯、炒飯、佐麵,獨特的味道,令人口齒留香,難以忘懷 開罐直接食用 Kani miso (カニみそ), is a grey/green coloured paste, and usually you’ll get a good-sized spoonful or two from a single crab, it is whatever is left after all the white meat is taken out of the crab. Over tofu it’s delicious! Also recommended to serve with salad, soup, bread, rice, or as an ingredient in fried rice, noodles

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