♻️日本 青首大根 Japan Aokubii White Turnip



$40/kg 每條約1kg 能預防癌症、高血壓,促進消化、改善胃部不適。由於它含有大量促進鈉排泄的鉀,因此有望有效預防高血壓,動脈硬化和腦梗塞 白蘿蔔還含有幾種激活腸胃功能的酶。澱粉酶具有分解澱粉的功能,據說對胃不適和胃灼熱有效。另外一種稱為氧化酶有助於消化的物質據稱具有使致癌物解毒的作用,有望預防癌症。 更值得一提是,白蘿蔔含異硫氰酸酯: 1. 具有使血液光滑的作用 2. 抗菌、抗突變、抗癌 3. 抗氧化、抗衰老。例如,苯並芘和其他多環芳烴(食物方面主要燒烤後形成)進入人體後,會被細胞色素氧化為致誘變性更強的環氧化合物,使其致癌性增強。而異硫氰酸酯的存在,可以抑制細胞色素對多環芳烴的氧化 The daikon radish is one of those little known superfoods that appears most often as a garnish in sushi restaurants. But with very low calories/cholesterol and a high amount of fiber, it’s a shame to relegate it to just a garnish. Instead consider these health benefits and the many ways the radish can be enjoyed. It is very high in Vitamin C, potassium, and phosphorus. Additionally, it contains several beneficial enzymes that aid in digestion as well as phytonutrients that help to fight against cancer. Both the root and the seeds of the daikon radish are healthy. They help strengthening the immune system and cleansing the blood. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item
