♻️澳洲 開心果 Australia Pistachio

重量 Weight



每包200g or 500g 吃開心果仁有什麼好處? 1. 降血脂 含有植物固醇,有助於降低血脂,因此可以預防動脈硬化,有利降低心血管疾病的風險 2. 明目護眼 富含葉黃素與玉米黃素,可預防眼睛病變,如白內障、黃斑部病變,對保護視網膜也有很好的幫助 3. 通腸潤便 含豐富的好油脂,適度攝取好的油脂有助於潤滑腸道,幫助排便、排毒,還可以促進其他養分的吸收 4. 護膚抗老 含有的維生素E具有強大的抗氧化性,能有效增強皮膚的抵抗力,能夠更好地抵禦破壞皮膚細胞活力「自由基」的傷害 5. 強化免疫力 開心果及其他堅果類,都含有多種微量營養素,如維生素B6、葉酸、維生素E、鎂、鋅、硒等。這些營養素讓身體具有抗發炎、強化免疫力的功效 6. 平衡神經系統 含有的鎂有「細胞活動的守門人」的稱號,它可以維持神經傳導,幫助穩定神經細胞及情緒。因此也可預防焦慮、緊張、失眠等疾病 Why are pistachio good for you? 1. High in protein, fiber, and antioxidants. They also boast several other important nutrients, including vitamin B6 and potassium 2. Among the most antioxidant-rich nuts around. They’re high in lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which promote eye health 3. Contain fewer calories, more protein, and higher essential amino acids than most other nuts 4. High in fiber, which is good for your gut bacteria. Eating pistachios may increase the number of bacteria that produce beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate 5. Play an important role in promoting blood vessel health because they are rich in L-arginine, which, when converted into nitric oxide, helps dilate your blood vessels 6. Low glycemic index, which might promote lower blood sugar levels

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