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♻️美國 無麩質原麥麵包粉 U.S. Bob’s Redmill Gluten free Hearty Whole Grain Bread Mix
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每包567g per pack 這種無麩質麵粉混合物適合造三文治、多士、乾麵包屑、麵包粒、漢堡包和薄餅麵糰,製作營養豐富、濕潤、美味的麵包。混合物中的蕎麥、鷹嘴豆粉和葵花籽等成分能添加酥脆口感。 製作無麩質麵包不困難:將連同的酵母溶解水中,並拌入配料,及油、蘋果醋和雞蛋兩隻, 麵糰混合後,倒入塗上油的麵包焗盤中讓其發酵。想符合全素飲也可,只需以雞蛋替代品,代替雞蛋。 想要更脆一點,可在已發酵的麵糰上塗上橄欖油,並灑上奇亞籽。 成份: 麵包混合物——全麥蕎麥、鷹嘴豆粉、薯澱粉、粟米澱粉、葵花籽、芝麻籽、糖、全麥高粱粉、木薯粉、可可粉、蠶豆粉、黑蜜乾(黑麥 / 麥芽糊精 / 二氧化矽)、黃原膠、藏茴香籽、鹽、全麥苔麩、薯粉、洋蔥粉、瓜爾豆膠、大豆卵磷脂 酵母包——酵母、山梨糖單硬脂酸酯、維他命C 包含:大豆 This gluten free flour blend makes wonderfully nutritious, moist, flavorful loaf for sandwiches, toast, bread crumbs, croutons, hamburger buns and pizza dough. Ingredients like buckwheat, garbanzo flour and sunflower seeds provide crunch and flavor! It’s easy to make superb gluten free vegetarian bread: dissolve the included yeast in water and add to the dry ingredients in a stand mixer, along with oil, cider vinegar and two eggs. After the dough mixes, pour into a greased loaf pan and let rise. On a gluten free vegan diet? Replace the eggs with Gluten Free Vegan Egg Replacer. Want a little more crunch? Brush the risen dough with olive oil and sprinkle with chia seeds. Ingredients: Bread Mix — Whole Grain Buckwheat, Chickpea Flour, Potato Starch, Cornstarch, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Sugar, Whole Grain Sorghum Flour, Tapioca Flour, Cocoa Powder, Fava Bean Flour, Dried Molasses (Molasses / Maltodextrin / Silicon Dioxide), Xanthan Gum, Caraway Seeds, Salt, Whole Grain Teff, Potato Flour, Onion Powder, Guar Gum, Soy Lecithin Yeast Packet — Yeast, Sorbitan Monostearate, Ascorbic Acid Contains: Soy
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