♻️美國 無麩質有機鋼切原粒燕麥 U.S. Bob’s Redmill Gluten Free Organic Steel Cut Oats

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每包680g 不少人不喜歡吃燕麥,因覺得煮起的燕麥口感過於糊口,但鋼切燕麥明顯口感不同,滑得來是爽口又脆脆哋 使用古老石磨法來磨制。不同於一般機器用高速磨制而成的麵粉,石磨是靠慢速旋轉的方式,使穀物保持在低溫狀態下。這不僅能保留穀物原始的味道,並且保留了穀物原有的營養成份 全穀為人體提供充份營養,如膳食纖維、維他命B、礦物質等,主要由三個部分所組成:麥麩、胚芽及胚乳。穀物在精製的過程中會除去麥麩和胚芽,而留下的胚乳只含有糖類。所以,留下完整的穀物不單能盡量吸收全套營養,也能令身體不會因急速吸收糖份而血糖急升 成份: 有機全穀燕麥 Experience the gluten free oatmeal that won the Golden Spurtle! People with a gluten intolerance can have difficulty finding foods that are safe to eat. gluten free oats to create a hot cereal that’s a fantastic addition to a gluten free diet, and may offer health benefits like regulating blood sugar levels and lowering the risk of heart disease. Steel cut oatmeal is made from whole oat groats that have been cut into neat little pieces on a steel buhr mill. These are high-protein, whole grain oats that have been lightly toasted. Also known as Irish oats or pinhead oats, steel cut oats have a firmer “bite” than traditional rolled oats, and can also be used in savory dishes like risotto. Steel cut oats have always been a customer favorite at the mill. Stir up a bowl and you’ll see why: they’re easy to make, can be flavored any way you like, and they have a distinctive texture that wins over even non-oatmeal eaters Oats are also incredibly nutritious—they’re a good source of fiber and protein and low in saturated fat. Steel cut oats make an especially filling breakfast and a great start to your day. Just don’t forget to set aside 10-20 minutes to cook it! While it takes a little time, cooking steel cut oats couldn’t be easier. In fact, Bob’s Redmill award-winning steel cut oats recipe is right on the package: just oats, water and salt. Steel cut oats can also be used to make overnight oats, risotto, pilaf, dumplings, arancini and more! Ingredients: Organic Whole Grain Oats

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