🍁 Seasonal 季節限定
🆓 FREE items 免費區
💝 Special Offer 特別優惠
❤️ Health Products 健康食品
✅ Low Carb 低碳類
🌿 Vegetarian
🌱 Organic 有機
🌾🚫 Gluten Free 無麩質
🍲 Hotpot 火鍋攻略
🐃 Beef 上品牛
🐖 Pork 優質豬
🐓 Poultry 雞鴨鵝
🐓 Chicken 雞
🦆 Duck 鴨
🦢 Other Poultry 其他家禽
🐑 Lamb 羊肉
🦘🦌 Other meats 其他肉類
🐟 Seafood 海產物
🐡 Fish 魚
🦐 Shrimp 蝦
🦀 Crab 蟹
🌊 Other Seafood 其他海鮮
🍣 Sashimi 急凍刺身
🍖 Sausages 火腿腸
🍢 Meatballs 丸類
🥟 Dumplings 餃子
🥬 Vegetables 安全蔬菜
🍎 Fruit Items 水果
🍚 Starch 粉麵飯
🥐 Pastries 高質麵包
🌾 Grains & Meals 穀麥類
👩🏻🍳 Baking 烘焙
🥜 Nuts & Snacks 果仁和零食
🧀 Butter. Cheese. Yogurt 牛油, 芝士, 乳酪
🍮 Dessert 甜點
🥣 Soup Base 靚湯
🧂Oil & Seasoning 油鹽醬醋
☕️ Coffee & Tea 咖啡茶
🥛Milk drinks 奶類飲品
🍹Fruit juice. Water 果汁. 水
🥃 Wine 美酒
🍽Kitchen Accessories 廚房用品
Let's Cook 煮吧!
♻️英國 天然礦泉水 U.K. Harrogate Natural Mineral Water
數量 Quantity
三支 3 bottles
十二支 12 bottles
每支750ml per bottle * 味道乾淨帶微甜,含豐富而良好的礦物質 * 玻璃樽裝,中性pH值,不影響味覺,所以非常適合與食物搭配 * 駐場生物實驗室不斷監控生產,以保證無可挑剔的質量 * 自2011年以來一直獲得 “同類最佳” 獎,在英國裝瓶商協會品酒會上獲得金獎 * 在國際水品獎上被評為 “世界上最好的有汽水” * 被多所皇家級地標使用,例如皇家音樂廳、美術館、賽馬場 Harrogate 以英國瓶裝水的故鄉而聞名;是自然界的奇蹟,擁有88個礦泉,擁有出色的水質、穩定的礦物成份和純度。故事始於1571年,他們的第一個礦泉被發現,很快 Harrogate 便成為喜愛健康和享受之人士的目的地,遊客蜂擁而至。 Harrogate 成為 “在家以外” 中排名第一的飲用水,屢獲殊榮的標誌性鑽石瓶,靈感來自該鎮美麗的建築。經典造型的 Harrogate 擁有許多著名的設計獎項,包括:DBA設計效能獎-金獎、英國包裝獎、BBI獎-金獎。 * Characterised by an exceptionally clean and a subtly sweet flavour, It is also rich in good minerals * Glass bottled. A neutral pH level makes it perfect for pairing with food as it will not cloud the palate * On-site micro-lab constantly monitors production to guarantee impeccable quality * Consistently been awarded ‘Best in Class’, taking gold at The British Bottlers Institute Tasting Awards since 2011 * Voted ‘The World’s Finest Sparkling Water’ at the International Water Tasting Awards * Partnered with royal landmarks such as the Royal Albert Hall, Tate, Royal Ascot Famously known as the birthplace of ‘The English Spa’ and the home of British bottled water; Harrogate is a wonder of the natural world, boasting 88 mineral springs, a source has been specifically chosen for its excellent water quality, stable mineral composition and purity. The Harrogate story began in 1571 when their first mineral spring was discovered. Harrogate soon became a destination for health & enjoyment, with visitors flocking to ‘take the waters’ and experience the spa town’s vibrant social scene. As the No. 1 water in “Out Of Home*, Harrogate’s award-winning iconic ‘diamond bottle’ has been inspired by the town’s beautiful architecture. The sparkles emphasise the purity of our water and help express the originality of our products. The classic styling and typography date from Harrogate’s refined heyday. Harrogate is holder of numerous prestigious design awards, including; DBA Design Effectiveness Award – Gold, UK Packaging Awards – Winner, BBI Awards – Gold.