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🌱 Organic 有機
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🐃 Beef 上品牛
🐖 Pork 優質豬
🐓 Poultry 雞鴨鵝
🐓 Chicken 雞
🦆 Duck 鴨
🦢 Other Poultry 其他家禽
🐑 Lamb 羊肉
🦘🦌 Other meats 其他肉類
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🐡 Fish 魚
🦐 Shrimp 蝦
🦀 Crab 蟹
🌊 Other Seafood 其他海鮮
🍣 Sashimi 急凍刺身
🍖 Sausages 火腿腸
🍢 Meatballs 丸類
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🥬 Vegetables 安全蔬菜
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🍚 Starch 粉麵飯
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👩🏻🍳 Baking 烘焙
🥜 Nuts & Snacks 果仁和零食
🧀 Butter. Cheese. Yogurt 牛油, 芝士, 乳酪
🍮 Dessert 甜點
🥣 Soup Base 靚湯
🧂Oil & Seasoning 油鹽醬醋
☕️ Coffee & Tea 咖啡茶
🥛Milk drinks 奶類飲品
🍹Fruit juice. Water 果汁. 水
🥃 Wine 美酒
🍽Kitchen Accessories 廚房用品
Tentang Kami
Let's Cook 煮吧!
Tentang Kami
♻️西班牙 有機菜湯 Spain Amandin Organic Vegetable Broth
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每盒1L per box 只以優質的天然材料製作,特級初榨橄欖油配以蔬菜精華(番茄、洋蔥、胡蘿蔔、芹菜),再加上一點薑黃增添一份特殊觸感。 品嚐說明: 濃郁的蔬菜清香尤其是烤過的洋蔥、芹菜和防風草,口感濃郁,味道回味悠長細膩。造湯、加忌廉炆燉菜/肉類都十分適合,用途廣泛。 成份: 水、雞肉和脂肪* 1.30%、蔬菜*(芹菜 / 洋蔥)、特級初榨橄欖油*、海鹽、澱粉*、香料*(薑黃 / 胡椒 / 荳蒄 / 迷迭香)、天然香料(含雞蛋) * 有機成份 Only use top quality natural ingredients to make a stock that concentrates all the flavour of the vegetables (tomato, onion, carrot, celery) with extra-virgin olive oil. A pinch of turmeric adds a special touch. The secret of a good stock lies in the quality of its ingredients. TASTING NOTE: Intense aroma of vegetable, most notably roast onion, celery and parsnip. Dense in the mouth, delicate flavours and long roast vegetable finish. Very versatile for soups, creams and stews. Ingredients: Water, vegetables* 11% (celery / tomato / onion / carrot / cabbage / parsnip), rice flour*, extra virgin olive oil*, turmeric*, sea salt and natural flavourings * Organic ingredients
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