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♻️韓國 野櫻莓汁 Korea GNM Aronia juice
Beli banyak lebih hemat
數量 Quantity
十包 10 packs
三十包 30 packs
Tambah ke Keranjang
每包70ml per pack * 三十包裝有禮盒 野櫻莓是莓中之皇,抗氧化值和花青素達16000mg/100g,是藍莓的四倍。每日一包: ✅ 防止自由基對健康細胞的侵害 ✅ 特別能針對大腸健康,防止結腸病變 ✅ 抵抗身體炎症 ✅ 尿道炎的剋星(比小紅莓更有效) ✅ 能明顯減淡色班形成 ✅ 保護眼睛免黃班病變發生/發炎 成份:水、野櫻莓汁 韓國製造 Aronia berries are added to many foods and beverages but also available as a supplement. Aronia berries pack high levels of antioxidants. These compounds defend your cells from damage caused by free radicals. A buildup of free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which can lead to chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. Aronia berries showed superior antioxidant activity compared to many other berries. They are an excellent source of polyphenols, which is a group of antioxidants that includes phenolic acids, anthocyanins, and flavanols. Studies indicate that the antioxidants in aronia berries can inhibit free radical activity. What’s more, a study in 30 healthy people found that extracts from aronia berries significantly reduced oxidative stress caused by an antipsychotic medication within 24 hours Moreover, studies have linked the antioxidants in these fruits to other impressive health benefits, such as decreased inflammation, as well as reduced bacterial and cancer cell growth Aronia berries are safe to eat with no serious side effects. The only downside is their astringent, mouth-drying effect. Ingredients : Water, aronia juice Made in Korea
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