♻️馬來西亞 椰花糖粉 Malaysia CocoWorld Premium Coconut



每包500g per pack * 非基因改造、無麩質,適合素食者 * 低升糖指數 35-40,含豐富礦物質 * 不含化學品、合成物質、防腐劑、人造色素或香料、發酵劑或任何添加劑 馬來西亞 CocoWorld 椰花糖粉是一種天然甜味劑。糖粉是採自椰子花蕾汁液,並以純手工古法萃取新鮮椰子花蜜,製成甜絲絲的椰花糖粉。椰花糖粉的升糖指數較低,故比較適合高血糖及所有人士食用, CocoWorld 椰花糖粉絕對是全天然健康調味料,適合製作甜品或調配飲品。 ✅ 含豐富維他命 椰花糖含多種維他命包括必需的維他命B複合物 ✅ 含豐富氨基酸 椰花糖含16種氨基酸。氨基酸是建立蛋白質以供全身的生長、修復和維持身體組織、酶、荷爾蒙所必須的物質 ✅ 含豐富礦物質 椰花糖含許多礦物質,包括鉀、鎂、鋅、鐵、硼、硫、鈣和銅 ✅ 低升糖指數 椰花糖的升糖指數為35-40。固比較適合需要控制糖份吸收和胰島素分泌的人士,且能增加能量,減少情緒波動 * Non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan friendly * Low glycemic index 35-40, rich in minerals * Free of chemicals, synthetic substances, preservatives, artificial colours or flavours, fermenting agents or additives Malaysia CocoWorld coconut sugar is a natural sweetener. Sugar is extracted from coconut flower buds, fresh coconut nectar is extracted by ancient traditional method and turn into coconut sugar powder. ✅ RICH IN VITAMINS Coconut palm sugar contains a variety of vitamins including essential Vitamin B complex ✅ RICH IN AMINO ACIDS Coconut palm sugar contains 16 amino acids. Amino acids are required to build proteins that are used throughout the body for growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues, enzymes, hormones ✅ RICH IN MINERALS Coconut palm sugar contains many minerals including potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, boron, sulfur, calcium and copper ✅ LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX Coconut palm sugar has a glycemic index of 35-40. Diets that incorporate low-glycemic foods lead to better glucose and insulin regulation, increased energy and less mood swings UNREFINED Diets rich in whole foods contain high concentrations of antioxidant phenolics, fibers and numerous other phytochemicals that may be protective against chronic diseases. Adding coconut sugar, a natural and unrefined sweetener, to your meal will only increase health benefits.

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