❄️加拿大 野生刺身級帶子 Canada Sashimi grade Scallops

重量 Weight



每盒25-35隻 1kg per pack of 25-35 * 100% 全天然無任何添加 * 海上捕捉後45分鐘內快速冷凍 * IQF 獨立冷凍 加拿大 OCI 刺身帶子,於海上即捕即雪,寒冷而水深的天然環境,孕育出無比鮮甜、味美的海中極品。由於此帶子生長於天然、純淨而無污染的水域,在離開水面後即進行清洗、加工、速凍包裝,以刺身方式食用,甜美新鮮,品質超一流!中式煎、炒菜式,一樣美味無窮。也可快速煎封、日式醬燒! * No additives or preservatives * Frozen-at-Sea * Hand-shucked * Individually quick-frozen for convenience Ocean Choice International’s Frozen-at-Sea (FAS) scallops are the world’s finest. Harvested from the icy waters of the North Atlantic, their scallops are hand-shucked and frozen within 45 minutes of catch to ensure the highest quality and best taste possible. OCI scallops are 100% all natural with no preservatives and no additives. As OCI FAS scallops lock in moisture and upon cooking retain their size and flavour compared to other scallops. Perfect for appetizers, entrees or salads, this is one of the most versatile and popular seafood products available. Scallops are more than 80% protein. One 3oz serving provides 20g of protein and just 95 calories. They're also a good source of both magnesium and potassium. When the scallop sashimi is really good quality, the flesh is slightly firm but tender, and the flavor is sweet with a clean finish. To enjoy scallop sushi at home, all you need to do is to defrost the scallop, make sushi rice, and make nigiri sushi topped with the scallop. Best ways to enjoy sashimi grade scallops: * wrapped with seaweed * brush the top with Japanese soy sauce & finish off flame charring with a cooking torch * quick seared on a frying pan Special sushi recommendation 特別推薦壽司做法: - chopped hotate 帶子飛魚卵壽司 - chopped scallop 刺身帶子切小粒

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