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❄️匈牙利 鬈毛豬免治肉 Hungary Mangalica Minced Pork
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每包250g 鬈毛豬乃匈牙利獨有之國寶級豬隻,出產的豬肉特點是油脂溶化溫度較低,令豬肉入口溶化,油脂於肉裡的滲透特別好,香味四溢,而同時間肉味香濃得來又有點含蓄,恰到好處! 鬈毛豬特點: * 飼養過程沒添加任何抗生素、荷爾蒙、瘦肉精、防腐劑 * 油花分布均勻細緻,油脂溶化點低,肉味濃郁 * 營養價值豐富,含大量礦物質、奧米加3,6脂肪酸、天然抗氧化劑及維他命B 成份: 匈牙利鬈毛豬 The flesh of the Mangalica pig is very mottled, with creamy white fat that can melt at 32ºC. It is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and in natural antioxidants. Therefore, it is healthier than the fat of the white pig varieties used in intensive farming, and it is even good for the heart. The levels of Omega 3 in Mangalica are 2 to 3 times higher than in many varieties of fish. Its large amount of unsaturated fatty acids allows it to melt at lower temperatures than other pigs, which translates into organoleptic virtues considered as a delicacy by some of the best chefs in the world. Characteristics of Mangalica pork: * No addition of any antibiotics, growth hormones, paylean or preservatives * Richly marbled with low melting point fat, resulting in a succulent and strong aroma * Favourable proportion of minerals, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, natural antioxidants and vitamin B1, 2 Ingredients: Mangalica pork
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