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❄️南美洲 九頭老身花膠 South America Fish Maw
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三隻 3 pieces
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每條約60-70g(未發前) * 每斤九條 * 已發好急凍,取出浸回乾淨水即可 * 煲湯、配鮑汁炆、扣鵝掌鴨掌皆宜 花膠,即魚肚,是魚的魚鰾製品,充滿膠原蛋白,還含有多種維生素及礦物質,具滋陰養顏、補血、補腎的功效,是滋補養生佳品。膠原蛋白有促進皮膚彈性的作用,能減少皺紋,防止皮膚鬆弛,而維生素E有抗氧化的作用,能減少皮膚色素暗沉,經常食用能使皮膚細膩、光澤,有彈性。 花膠富含多種胺基酸,能為人體補充多種所需的營養物質,還能促進新陳代謝,有增強免疫的功效,常喝花膠湯能提高抗病能力,尤其適合營養不良、體質虛弱的人食用。 * Size: 9pcs per catty * Ready to use * Particularly nice to put in soup * Excellent to braise with abalone, goose or duck feet Fish maw is one of the precious traditional Chinese ingredients rated along abalone, sea cucumber and shark’s fin due to it's high nitritional content. Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients such as phosphor and calcium. It nourishes ‘yin’, replenishes kidney and boosts stamina. It is effective in healing weak lung and kidney, anemia, etc. It is suitable for consumption by any age group of either gender and is a kind of therapeutic food. The most important of all is that fish maw contains high viscosity gel protein and mucopolysaccharide which are important to lady’s skincare and capable of preserving fine complexion and invigorating blood circulation. Traditionally people believe that drinking fish maw soup and eating fish maw will improve their skin and, for pregnant women, the skin of their babies. Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption.
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