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❄️南非 莫桑比克紅蝦 Mozambique Giant Red Shrimps
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每盒6-8隻800g per box of 6-8 shrimps * 建議簡單以橄欖油煎,加香草、蒜泥 * 可稍加少許鹽,雖然蝦本身已夠鹹香味道 * 可將蝦頭拆出造濃汁伴意大利粉,也十分適合炒飯,或造傳統西班牙海鮮燉飯 帝皇紅蝦分佈於葡萄牙至整個地中海沿海,南下至莫桑比海域,水深200-1400米,主要產地為西班牙深海純凈海域。帝皇紅蝦身長14-30cm,全身極紅,被譽為全世界最好吃的一款蝦!帝皇紅蝦最吸引就是它的鮮甜與極濃蝦味,蝦頭比一般野生海蝦香濃十倍,會被用來熬湯或汁。傳統西班牙香煎做法最能品嘗紅蝦的天然味道。亦可用作刺身、伴麵或意粉等方式烹調。 成份:紅蝦、抗氧化劑、酸度調節劑 * Suggestion : simple pan fry with olive oil & minced garlic * Can add a little salt, although the shrimp itself is already full of sea water fragrant * Excellent for making Spanish Paella, or as sauce for pasta Carabineros shrimps are a large deep-sea prawn species that hail from the Eastern Atlantic into the Mediterranean Sea, down south along the Mozambican sea. They are renowned for their jumbo size and striking bright red color. Their distinct red color does not change when cooked. More distinct and robust in flavor than any other shrimps, they are also coveted for their large size. While their meat resides in the tail, their head and body are not to be overlooked and are excellent for making creamed soups and sauces to which it adds flavor and red color. None of this prawn should go to waste, and some Europeans consider the flavor of their heads as a “delicacy” Ingredients: Carabineros shrimps, antioxidant, acidity regulator
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