❄️印尼 牙帶魚卷 Indonesia Ribbon Fish Fillet Rolls



每包8-10卷250g per pack of 8-10 * 已去骨去刺,解凍即煮 * 比較適合煎、炸,建議伴以酸甜汁 牙帶是海魚,高蛋白低脂肪,還含鈣、磷、鐵及維他命A,DHA和碘含量更高於一般魚類。中醫認為,帶魚有極高的藥用價值,可補五臟,去風、殺蟲,甘、性平,有補虛、暖胃、解毒、止血、養肝等功效,尤其適合有頭暈、乏力、氣短、營養不良、久病體虛者等食用。牙帶魚的脂肪含有一些抗癌成分,經提取之後,可治療血癌,淋巴癌。不過牙帶魚的嘌呤(Purine)較高,痛風患者、高膽固醇的人,不宜多吃。 * Bones and small thorns have been removed. Just thaw and cook * more suitable for pan frying or deep frying. recommended to add sweet and sour sauce Pre-processed ribbon fish fillets rolled up. Simply deep-fry them with some seasoning, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, you won’t wanna stop.

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