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❄️台灣 本家生機急凍鮮腐竹 Taiwan Benjia Frozen Yuba
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每包120g per pack * 100%嚴選非基因改造黃豆製造 * 無添加防腐劑、漂白劑、色素等 * 100%純素,無動物性成分 * 獲兩大認證:ISO國際保證、HACCP * 以逆滲透淨水製成,無需浸泡開袋即可使用 鮮腐竹的入菜隨和度就如蔥薑蒜一樣,為家庭冰箱常備東西之一,任何烹煮方法都適合:煎、炒、煮、炸、滷、紅燒、火鍋。由大豆蛋白膜與植物性油脂組合而成的產物,形成一層薄膜,下垂成枝條狀,再經乾燥而成。由於其形似竹枝狀,所以也叫支竹。有濃郁特殊的豆香味,色澤金黃透亮,口感有嚼勁。生鮮腐竹含豐富蛋白質及多種營養成分,為減糖的首選。 成份 : 非基因改造黃豆、水、脂肪酸甘油酯、碳酸鈣、碳酸鎂、卵磷脂 * 100% non-GMO soy beans used * No preservatives, no bleaching or colouring * 100% vegan, strictly no animal products used * ISO / HACCP certified * Reverse osmosis filtered water is used, no soaking is needed before using Fresh yuba is a combination of soybean protein film and fat. It has high nutritional value, is easy to keep and cook. The production process of yuba is similar to that of tofu skin. It is made by heating soy milk to a boil, keeping it warm for a period of time, forming a film on the surface, picking out the film, hanging down into branches, and then drying. The difference between yuba and the tofu skin is that tofu skin is sun-dried and laid flat, while yuba is made to hang vertically, so that after drying it will be like bamboo sticks. Ingredients: non-GMO soybeans, water, fatty acid glycerides, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, lecithin
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