❄️新加坡 急凍香草燉牛肉湯 Singapore Soup Spoon Beef Goulash



每包500g per bag of soup * 沒添加化學物 / 防腐劑 / 味精 超級足料,足夠一餐非常飽肚 只需加熱飲用,喜歡淡口也可略加水 「The Soup Spoon」在新加坡當地已有17年歷史、27間門市,品牌創辦人Anna喜歡周遊列國,她將旅行世界的所見所聞,以在地的元素融入新加坡食材,創造出多款「可以吃飽的湯」,她表示,這些湯可取代米飯、麵類、漢堡等主食,紮實的分量一碗便可滿足,顛覆湯僅能佐餐的刻板印象,而且每一碗湯都有著媽媽細心烹調的手作溫度,透過「HPP超高壓殺菌技術」完整保存湯品的原汁原味,讓「湯主食」文化成為每一天最溫暖的祝福。 成份: 牛肉湯(水/牛肉/蔬菜/香草)、醃製草飼牛肉、紅蘿蔔、薯仔、去皮全番茄、青椒、番茄醬、西芹、忌廉、粟米粉、香菇、洋蔥、紅甜椒、酸忌廉、醋、糖、甜椒粉、蒜頭、鹽、植物油、香草、香料 * No added nasties * No added preservatives * No added MSG Just reheat and serve. Or add water as desired. Serves 2-3 | Contains Dairy | Gluten Free Stick to the rib goodness! Inspired by one of Hungary’s most symbolic national dish, this hearty beef stew made only from NZ grass fed beef is loaded with a myriad of fresh vegetables and peppered with fresh herbs and spices, plus a generous dash of sweet paprika to make it a satisfying meal in itself. Main ingredients: Beef stock (water / beef / root vegetables / herbs), marinated grass-fed beef, carrots, potatoes, whole peeled tomatoes, green bell peppers, tomato paste, celery, cream, corn flour, shiitake mushrooms, onions, red bell peppers, sour cream, vinegar, sugar, sweet paprika, garlic, salt, vegetable oil, herbs and spices

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