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❄️日本 刺身級松葉蟹腳 3L Japan Sashimi Snowcrab Legs
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每包20-25支 500g weight per pack of 20-25 legs * 可生吃,熱灼一下口感比較好 * 建議火鍋灼半熟吃 松葉蟹在日本又稱越前蟹或楚蟹,纖細的長腳是其特徵,因其肉質纖細、甜美,所以在當地也被稱為「冬季美味之王」或「女王蟹」,與帝王『鱈場蟹』同屬日本三大名蟹。由於松葉蟹沒辦法人工飼養只能限量捕撈,所以價格居高不下。在日本,品質最好的越前蟹一隻就可以賣到兩萬六千多日圓,堪稱是日本第一貴蟹。 Did you know that snow crab fishing is allowed only for 4 months in a year? More specifically, fishing male crab is permitted for the period from November to March, while female crab only from November to January. The snow crab is found in the deepest and coldest waters in the Sea of Japan. Because Shimane lies on the Sea of Japan coast, crabs are kept alive until they are brought into markets and restaurants. That is why you must taste fresh crabs while in Shimane! Best ways to enjoy your snowcrab legs: 1. Quick boil - most common yet best way to taste crab flavour as it is 2. Shabu Shabu - dip into the hotpot 3. You can also eat them raw 4. Grilled crab and more!
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