❄️日本 北海道牛奶班戟 Japan Hokkaido Pancakes

數量 Quantity



每包兩塊55g x 2 per pack * 100%使用北海道產麵粉和北海道牛奶 * 2個班㦸相等攝取牛奶 200ml 的鈣 * 直徑約10cm 國產小麥被歸類為中筋粉,因為蛋白質和筋量很多,一般具較大粘性,麵糰容易變硬。但本品透過獨特的混合工藝,抑制了麵糰的粘性,比薄力粉底更飽滿,口感更好。 成份: 北海道小麥粉、雞蛋、糖、北海道牛奶、牛奶等為主要原料的食品、植物油、糖混合液、食鹽/泡打粉、加工澱粉、蛋殼鈣、香料、乳化劑、黃原膠、(部分包含小麥 / 雞蛋 / 牛奶成份 / 大豆) * 100% Hokkaido flour and Hokkaido milk * 2 pancakes equal intake of calcium of 200ml of milk * Diameter 10cm Domestic Hokkaido wheat is being considered as medium gluten flour, due to presence of higher amount of protein and gluten, it is generally more sticky, and the dough gets stiff easier. However, this pancake manufacturer is able to use their special skill to reduce stickiness of the dough through the unique mixing process, which makes the pancake texture fuller and taste better than using regular low gluten flour. Ingredients: Hokkaido wheat flour, eggs, sugar, Hokkaido milk, milk and products with milk as the main ingredient, vegetable oil, sugar mixture, salt/baking powder, processed starch, calcium from eggshell, spices, emulsifiers, xanthan gum, (partly contains wheat / eggs / milk ingredients / soybeans)

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