❄️日本 朱古力雜莓手工窯烤薄餅 Japan Pizzarevo Chocolate Mixed Berries Pizza



每塊250g each * 正宗講究製作的手窑烤薄餅 * 100% 使用福岡縣產,以低溫研磨的麵粉 * 使用長崎縣海鹽,和福岡麵團配搭能突出小麥本身的香味 * 直徑21吋(冷凍時會有輕微的縮水,尺寸會產生誤差) * 可使用焗爐、氣炸鍋、平底鑊翻熱,不適合使用微波爐 以凍吉士為基礎,配上甜度適中的4種莓、牛奶朱古力、加上薄片白朱古力令味道更上一層深度。漿果的淡淡的酸味和朱古力的甜味是絕配!甜度適中,讓人慾罷不能的美味。 成份: 福岡縣產小麥粉、混合莓類水果(士多啤梨 / 藍莓 / 紅桑子 / 小紅莓)、朱古力、凍吉士、白朱古力、食鹽、乾酵母/加工澱粉、乳化劑、香料、維他命C * Authentic stone oven hand-made pizza * 100% flour from Fukuoka, flour is stone grind in traditional way to minimise heat * Nagasaki sea salt highlights the fragrance of Fukuoka wheat dough * 21” diameter (possible slight shrinkage during freezing) * Reheat with oven, air fryer or flat pan. Not suitable to use microwave ovens Frozen custard as the topping base, with 4 kinds of moderately sweet berries and chocolate, adding thin shredded white chocolate to enhance the richness of taste. The sourness of berries and sweetness of chocolate make perfect match! Ingredients: Wheat flour from Fukuoka, mixed berries (strawberries / blueberries / raspberries /cranberries), chocolate, frozen custard, white chocolate, salt, dry yeast / processed starch, emulsifier, spices, vitamin C
