❄️日本 白姬刺身蝦 Japan Shirahime Sashimi Shrimps



每盒約15-20隻 500g per box of 15-20 * 不使用抗生素養殖 * 適合刺身或熟食 鹿兒島九州市日水中央研究所養殖研究中心管理下養殖。嚴格挑選蝦卵在海洋研究中心孵化,透過一定的環境管理下養殖。因養殖使用的是海水,所以保留了強烈的甜味,也使用專用配合的飼料。上岸的蝦於短時間內加工、冷凍,保存高鮮度。生食和加熱都可以使用。 * No antibiotics used * Can be consumed both as sashimi or cooked Farm raised under the management of the Aquaculture Research Center of the Central Research Institute in Kagoshima. Strictly select shrimp eggs to incubate in the marine research center and breed under strict environmental management. Because sea water is used, the shrimps retain a strong sweetness with specially formulated feed. The shrimps are processed and quick freeze in a short time to preserve maximum freshness.
