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❄️日本 直火燒飯團 Japan Nissui Grilled Rice Balls
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每包十個700g per pack of 10 使用日本國產大米,而且最少50% 是越光米,白色有光澤有嚼勁、黏性,帶淡淡的甜味和香味。以鲣魚為基礎的醬油為搭配,燒起來特別惹味,加入便當中、充當零食,或燒烤聚會中使用,非常之方便! 成份: 日本大米、醬油、葡萄糖液、鰹魚提取物、植物油、鰹魚節粉末、鹽、海帶提取物、扇貝提取物、水解蛋白、魚漿/加工澱粉、調味料(氨基酸等) Japan domestic rice with at least 50% Koshikari rice. Rice is particularly white and shiny, chewy with sticky texture, along with a hint of sweetness and fragrance. The bonito fish based soy sauce is perfect match for grilled rice. Very convenient to just add to bento boxes, serve as casual snack, or use in barbecue parties! Ingredients: Japan rice, soy sauce, high fructose syrup, bonito extract, vegetable oil, bonito powder, salt, kelp extract, scallop extract, hydrolyzed protein, fish pulp/processed starch, seasoning (amino acids, etc.)
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