❄️日本 頂級油甘魚腩 刺身 (急凍/未切) Japan Hamachi Sashimi (Frozen / Uncut)



$420/kg 每包約 500-600g average weight per pack of 1 * 需自行起皮,過程不複雜只需數分鐘 * 大約可切15+片(厚切) 為抵禦寒冷天氣,油甘魚會在體內積聚大量脂肪, 加上運動量多,味道甘甜。尤其是魚腩部分,更是全魚味道及口感最佳的位置,因脂肪多屯積於此,故入口最滑及鮮味 ⚠️ 放雪櫃0-4°C解凍6-8小時,開封後於當天食用,切勿再冷藏已解凍之刺身 * Comes with skin, relatively easy to cut out the skin * Vacuumed packed * Defrost in the fridge at 0-4°C for 6-8 hours Yellowtails are raised in a stress free environment allowing the fish to gain a high fat content which results in a perfect buttery texture and a rich flavor. This high quality product is flash-frozen to guarantee freshness ⚠️ Consume all on the same day after packaging opened. DO NOT re-freeze defrosted sashimi for later consumption. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item
