❄️日本 黃鰭吞拿魚赤身 Japan Yellow Fin Tuna Sashimi



每份200g per portion * 大約 2.5 x 5 x 16cm * 放置雪櫃0-4°解凍需時6-8個鐘 * 產地:印度洋 / 日本處理及包裝 黃鰭吞拿魚肉呈粉紅色,以其高蛋白質、低脂肪而受人歡迎。魚鮮味特別重,甘香清甜! * Each portion roughly 2.5 x 5 x 16cm * Need 6-8 hours to defrost in 0-4° fridge * Wild caught from the Indian Ocean / processed in japan Yellowfin tuna is an exquisite widely used in raw fish dishes, especially sashimi. This fish is also excellent for grilling, has a mild, meaty flavor — similar, some say, to swordfish. It’s more flavorful than albacore but leaner than bluefin. The meat is bright red in its raw state but, when cooked, turns brown to grayish-tan, firm and moist, with large flakes. Yellowfin is also served raw as sashimi and in sushi.
