❄️正日本 鰻天屋手工炭燒鰻魚 Authentic Japan Mantenya Charcoal Grilled Eel

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每條120-140g * 向日本師傅小批新鮮訂製,保持頂級質素 * 鰻魚絶對不以帶激素飼料餵飼,所以魚不會有激肥厚情況,入口與別不同 鰻天屋乃日本第一知名燒鰻店,創業以來一直鑽研手工燒的技術,現在能以世界頂級燒鰻店而自豪!鰻魚大部分都是養殖,近年來養殖的技術和研究不斷進步,於日本養殖的鰻魚都能吃到很多天然食物,養殖時間最少花1年,才能培育出脂肪均衡的鰻魚。 必試鰻天屋燒鰻之四大原因: ✅ 手工炭燒 — 鰻魚被炭火包圍著白燒,需要花很長時間慢慢烤,消除多餘脂肪和腥味,才能凝聚濃厚美味! ✅ 成長環境 — 培育好的鰻魚是先決條件,鰻天屋使用宮崎或鹿兒島的鰻魚,良好不擠迫的環境、溫和的氣候和優質的水,鰻魚在沒有壓力的環境下,健康地長大。魚的皮很薄,身上只有優質的脂肪,肉特別柔軟。 ✅ 絶頂的醬汁 — 打破九州=甜的形象,以來自九洲各地的丸大豆醬油、味醂,和嚴選的調味料,做成清爽不過甜的醬汁,務求以最大程度凸顯鰻魚的美味。 ✅ 燒好的鰻魚,以高濕度冷氣快速均勻冷卻,瞬間將最頂峰美味的狀態鎖住,保持香味和鬆軟的肉質,急凍也不影響質素,翻熱後即可享用。 成份: 宮崎縣鰻魚、味醂、醬油、澱粉分解物、糖、蜂蜜、魚醬、醬汁(味醂 / 醬油 / 糖 / 昆布湯 / 鰻魚提取物 / 發酵調味料 / 鹽)、山椒 * Product is freshly made by unagi grilling master in Japan. Need to be pre ordered please expect 3-4 weeks lead time * Eels are not fed with any hormones, so fish will not be overly fatty Mantenya is the most well-known eel roasting shop in Japan. Since its establishment, their eel grilling chefs have been devoted in their artisanal skill of hand-grilling eels. Now Mantenya is proud to be the world's top eel grilling shop! Most eels on the market are farmed in either japan or china. In recent years, the technology of eel farming has been improving. Eels raised in Japan get to be fed with a lot of natural food. It takes at least one year to raise eels to achieve naturally balanced fish fat. Ingredients: Miyazaki eel, mirin, soy sauce, starch, sugar, honey, fish sauce, sauce (mirin / soy sauce / sugar / kombu broth / eel extract / fermented seasoning / salt), pepper
