❄️法國 全麥牛角酥 France Bridor Whole Wheat Croissant



每包三個 約210g per pack of 3 Bridor 是一家有30年歴史,專門製造精緻法國麵包和糕點的法國公司,他們會優先考慮法國當地產品(例如忌廉或牛油)或選擇受保護的原產地產品,如Guerande 鹽焦糖,Roussillon 杏脯,Sicilian 檸檬或Bourbon雲呢拿。在準備產品時十分講究細節,許多步驟都是手工完成。 成份: 酥皮麵糰、純牛油、小麥和大麥麥芽麵粉、混合種籽(葵花籽、小米、黑孜然)、小麥麩皮、外屠種籽配料(白藜麥、棕色 / 金色亞麻籽) 預備方法: 解凍時間 最少30分鐘 / 180°c 焗15分鐘 (家用小型焗爐可能需要將溫度提高 20-30°) 100% 法國製造 Bridor, the leader in bringing high quality, European style croissants, pastries, savory Bistro items and breads to the U.S. foodservice and retail markets, launched its Clean Label program, which bans the use of over 150 ingredients, including artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, bleached flour, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. This initiative comes in response to growing consumer demand for products free of preservatives, additives and other undesired ingredients. Bridor’s research and development specialists worked in collaboration with professionals from the company’s Quality Assurance department and select industry suppliers to create an exacting program based on best food industry practices. The Clean Label line encompasses over 200 products, a figure that keeps rising. Ingredients: Puff pastry dough, pure fine butter, wheat and malted barley flours, seeds mix (sunflower, millet, black cumin), wheat bran, seeds topping (white quinoa, brown / gold flaxseed) Preparation instructions: Defrost in fridge for at least 30 mins Oven bake 15 mins at 180°c 100% Made in France

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