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❄️法國 急凍鴨心 France Valette Duck Hearts
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$220/kg 每包約850g 鴨心絕對沒有血腥味,非常嫩滑和美味,對於法國人來說,鴨心可用以製作非常精緻的菜餚。 鴨心什至是法國西南部非常常見的一種烹飪材料,掃上牛油/鴨油及醬汁再加以燒烤,即成一道簡單香口的菜式。 不過小心烹調時間不要過長,否則可令質地變靭而破壞口感。 Forget preconceived ideas, duck hearts have absolutely no taste of blood. On the contrary, they are very tender and delicious and are considered a very fine meat. It is even a very common dish in the south-west where during the Dax festivities everyone is crazy about it: it is usually served in trays with chips and a little sauce. They are delicious grilled or a la plancha simply rubbed with butter and sprinkled with a little parsley, to the point where they remind us of the taste of duck breast. But be careful not to overcook them as they will become rubbery! Recipe idea : Skewers of fattened duck hearts Ingrédients: 18 fattened duck hearts 2 onions 1 small jar of red peppers in oil Preparation: 1. Cut the hearts in half, slice the onions and drain the peppers and keep the flavored oil 2. Assemble the skewers by alternating: onion, pepper, 1/2 heart, pepper, onion and repeat the operation 3 times 3. Heat a cast iron plate or grill and brown the hearts on both sides 4. Put the skewers in an ovenproof dish on a bed of pre-cooked steamed potatoes and onions and sprinkle with the fragrant oil of the peppers and finish cooking in the oven for about 15 minutes at 150-180° Salt, pepper and taste. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item
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