❄️法國 急凍鴨肝片 France Maison Celestine Frozen Duck Liver Escalopes



每包5塊 約250g per pack of 5 escalopes * 以替代餵養的鴨肝製成,無需殘忍強制迫餵,傳統鵝肝的最理想代替 * 每件50克並獨立包裝,便於使用,可像傳統鵝肝片一樣烹煮 烹調建議: 將焗爐加熱至200°c(中高火),每面煮約1分鐘。以鹽和/或胡椒調味。 * Made from duck livers that come from an alternative feeding process, without force-feeding * Excellent alternative to traditional foie gras * Come in convenient 50-gram portions and packed individually for easier use * Cooked like traditional foie gras slices Cooking recommendation: Put the griddle at 200°c (medium high heat), once hot, cook each side 60 seconds approximately. Then spice to taste with salt and/or pepper.
