❄️法國 急凍鴨胸 France Valette Duck Breast



$320/kg 每包一塊 約450g per pack of 1 鴨油的飽和脂肪酸、單不飽和脂肪酸、多不飽和脂肪酸的比例較好,比較接近理想值。其膽固醇相對其他動物油含量比較低。鴨油具有調理腸胃、提高免疫力、滋陰補陰的作用。鴨油營養含量豐富,適合久病體虛的人食用。鴨油也有保護腸胃的作用,同時可以提高免疫力,對於滋陰有好處。但是脾胃虛弱的人群不可多吃。 煎鴨胸要先在表皮上劃十字紋,以防煎煮的熱力令肉質收縮,以及瀉去多餘的油份。鴨胸煎後要放涼,讓餘溫完全滲透肉身至熟透,這樣能保持肉質的鮮嫩。 * 強力推薦 : 脆皮鴨胸配四川麻辣麵 Duck fat has similar health benefits to olive oil and other unsaturated fats. But if you're still concerned about consuming too much fat, by scoring a duck breast then searing it on the scored side, you can eliminate up to 70% of the fat, while crisping the skin and adding to the distinct flavor of the meat. * Excellent match with Sichuan style spicy noodle ! * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item

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