❄️法國 迷你可麗露蛋糕 France Bridor Mini Canelé

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每個約17g per piece Canelé 是一種小型精緻法式甜點,主要用冧酒和雲尼拿調味,厚厚的焦糖外殼,中心帶柔軟嫩滑的蛋和奶。經典形狀是一個細小帶有條紋的圓柱體,頂部凹陷。一般有迷你版約15g 或普通版80g。 Bridor 是一家有30年歴史,專門製造精緻法國麵包和糕點的法國公司,他們會優先考慮法國當地產品(例如忌廉或牛油)或選擇受保護的原產地產品,如Guerande 鹽焦糖,Roussillon 杏脯,Sicilian 檸檬或Bourbon 雲尼拿。在準備產品時十分講究細節,許多步驟都是手工完成。 成份: 水、糖、麵粉、冧酒、奶品(乳清 / 植物油 / 奶蛋白 / 脫脂奶)、全蛋粉、雲尼拿味 烘焙指引: 可直接於冰箱取出放焗爐 / 210°c 焗10分鐘 100% 法國製造 Canelé is a small French pastry flavored with rum and vanilla with a soft and tender custard center and a dark, thick caramelized crust. It takes the shape of a small, striated cylinder up to five centimeters in height with a depression at the top Bridor, the leader in bringing high quality, European style croissants, pastries, savory Bistro items and breads to the U.S. foodservice and retail markets, recently launched its Clean Label program, which bans the use of over 150 ingredients, including artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, bleached flour, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. This initiative comes in response to growing consumer demand for products free of preservatives, additives and other undesired ingredients. Bridor’s research and development specialists worked in collaboration with professionals from the company’s Quality Assurance department and select industry suppliers to create an exacting program based on best food industry practices. The Clean Label line encompasses over 200 products, a figure that keeps rising. Ingredients: Water, sugar, wheat flour, rum, milk preparation (whey / vegetable fat / milk proteins / skimmed milk), whole powdered eggs, vanilla flavouring Preparation instructions: Bake from frozen at 210°c for 10 minutes 100% Made in France

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