❄️澳洲 300日榖飼肉眼牛扒 Australia 300 day Grain fed Ribeye



$580/kg 每塊約400g average weight per steak * 等同和牛M5級別 澳洲穀飼牛達到某種重量或年紀時(通常達到20個月或重量達400公斤左右)以高營養榖物飼餵養至少300天以上。為確保肉牛攝取均衡的營養,穀物飼料含有大麥、小麥、燕麥、高梁、玉米五大成份。所以澳洲榖飼牛肉的脂肪量較高,脂肪均勻分佈於肌肉組織裡 澳洲榖飼牛肉的分級相當精細,除了穀物飼養的天數、牛隻的品種之外,還有油花分佈的等級。市面上的澳洲榖飼牛肉,都是根據牛隻餵食穀物的天數和牛種來分類,分別有:榖飼100天、200天、300天、450天、澳洲黑牛及澳洲和牛等。穀飼牛經過精心圈養,成本很高,肉質特別柔軟 * Equivalent to wagyu M5 standard Grain-fed beef is more expensive because grain is more expensive and the standardized administering of feed to cattle takes special attention and resources. Wagyu beef which is the most expensive meat in the world commercially produced in Australia takes 300-400 days of grain-finishing to achieve its ideal marbling score. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item

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