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🍁 Seasonal 季節限定
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💝 Special Offer 特別優惠
❤️ Health Products 健康食品
✅ Low Carb 低碳類
🌿 Vegetarian
🌱 Organic 有機
🌾🚫 Gluten Free 無麩質
🍲 Hotpot 火鍋攻略
🐃 Beef 上品牛
🐖 Pork 優質豬
🐓 Poultry 雞鴨鵝
🐓 Chicken 雞
🦆 Duck 鴨
🦢 Other Poultry 其他家禽
🐑 Lamb 羊肉
🦘🦌 Other meats 其他肉類
🐟 Seafood 海產物
🐡 Fish 魚
🦐 Shrimp 蝦
🦀 Crab 蟹
🌊 Other Seafood 其他海鮮
🍣 Sashimi 急凍刺身
🍖 Sausages 火腿腸
🍢 Meatballs 丸類
🥟 Dumplings 餃子
🥬 Vegetables 安全蔬菜
🍎 Fruit Items 水果
🍚 Starch 粉麵飯
🥐 Pastries 高質麵包
🌾 Grains & Meals 穀麥類
👩🏻🍳 Baking 烘焙
🥜 Nuts & Snacks 果仁和零食
🧀 Butter. Cheese. Yogurt 牛油, 芝士, 乳酪
🍮 Dessert 甜點
🥣 Soup Base 靚湯
🧂Oil & Seasoning 油鹽醬醋
☕️ Coffee & Tea 咖啡茶
🥛Milk drinks 奶類飲品
🍹Fruit juice. Water 果汁. 水
🥃 Wine 美酒
🍽Kitchen Accessories 廚房用品
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Produk (s)
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Cara Pembayaran
Tentang Kami
❄️紐西蘭 天然走地雞下脾 New Zealand Bird & Barrow Free Range Chicken Drumsticks
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每包四隻320g per pack of 4 * 100% 不使用任何抗生素 / 荷爾蒙 * 愛心飼養、嚴格跟隨全世界最高規格人道飼養 * 雞隻室外放養,牠們可自由伸展、自行找種子或蟲仔吃,體格強健、健康快樂地成長 At Bird & Barrow, the Free Range birds are raised with genuine care and are always 100% antibiotic free, with no added hormones. From the moment they’re hatched, the birds are given the best care possible. Animal Welfare standards at Bird & Barrow are some of the highest in the world. ✅ Free-To-Roam They can spread their wings, forage for seeds and insects and experience natural light and fresh air together ✅ 100% Antibiotic Free Because of exemplary standards of care, control, protection and freedom, all birds are naturally healthier and are able to be raised without antibiotics – right from the very start ✅ 100% Hormone Free Never adding any hormones
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