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❄️紐西蘭 野補急凍黑邊鮑魚 New Zealand Diver Caught Pāua Abalone
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每包一隻350g per pack of 1 * 全天然,於紐西蘭最純潔原始水域人手潛水補捉 * 由於水域潔淨,鮑魚的內臟部份可安全進食,千萬不用棄掉 * 適合蒸、煮、輕炒,所有中西日式 黑邊鮑是紐西蘭發現的最大鮑魚物種,最常見於深度少於6米的淺冷水域,分佈紐西蘭大陸、斯圖爾特島和查塔姆群島。紐西蘭和南極之間沒有土地,所以紐西蘭周圍的洋流將最新鮮、最乾淨的水流直接帶到了紐西蘭海岸。 因此,紐西蘭野生鮑魚是世界上最健康、最強壯、最有機純淨的。 嚴格遵從紐西蘭漁業管理法規,所有Pāua鮑魚都是根據紐西蘭配額管理制度捕捉,保持可持續野生漁業,為世界上為數不多的商業可持續漁業之一。 * Wild caught by free divers in New Zealand’s pristine sea. 100% natural and precious * Pāua living in New Zealand’s clean water only rely on natural algae as food source, their guts are therefore safe for consumption * Suitable to steam, stew, or light stir fry. Versatile for both Asian and Western cookings Pāua is the Māori name given to the New Zealand species of large edible marine gastropod molluscs which belong to the family Haliotidae, known in the United States and Australia as Abalone. Blackfoot pāua is the largest abalone species found in New Zealand. It is most commonly found in shallow cool waters at depths of less than 6m. The species occurs all around mainland New Zealand, Stewart Island, and the Chatham Islands. There is no land between New Zealand and the last true wilderness – Antarctica. This means the ocean currents surrounding New Zealand bring the freshest, cleanest and most abundant waters directly to our shores. As a result New Zealand Wild Pāua are amongst the healthiest, strongest and most organically pure in the world. Wild New Zealand Pāua is sustainably harvested from some of the most remote, wild and exposed coastlines on the planet meaning the product landed to your table is the purest, cleanest and most intensely flavoured abalone available. These sea snails often form large clusters in the sub-littoral zone on open, exposed coasts, where drift seaweed accumulates and there is good water movement. Blackfoot pāua grow to about 180mm in shell width. All Pāua are harvested in line with the NZ quota management system, under strict Government fishery management regulations making the New Zealand Wild Pāua fishery one of only a few commercially sustainable fisheries left in the world. With an abundance of cheap, farmed product flooding the world seafood markets, this makes Wild New Zealand Pāua truly special. They’re grown in 100% natural environments with zero human intereference and is not harvested until it reaches industry agreed minimum legal harvest size, to ensure the resource can be sustained for future generations to come.
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