❄️美國 極黑豚梅肉 U.S. SRF Berkshire Pork Collar

重量 Weight



$280/kg 半條約 1kg per half collar or 每包兩塊約 350g per pack of 2pcs steak SRF 極黑豚擁有細緻油花,近年受歡迎程度一直上升,偶爾會出現於酒店或高級餐廳的餐牌上。無骨梅肉非常適合原件焗、燒烤,叉燒等等 📌此產品之網上價錢是根據平均重量計算,最後單價需按實際重量計算(通常+/-5至10%) The Snake River Farms pork collar is a beautifully marbled cut with a rich, remarkable flavor. Pork collars are a familiar item in Europe and because of their intense marbling are used to make traditional sausages. This boneless cut is starting to gain a following in the U.S. and makes the occasional appearance on restaurant menus. The collar is cut from the shoulder portion that runs from the neck to the tip of the loin. This versatile, boneless item is excellent roasted, braised in stock or cut into chops and grilled. SRF pork collar is about 4 pounds of lusciously marbled pork that excels in recipes and is a great way to make smaller portions of pulled pork 📌 This is a pay-by-weight item. Listed price is based on average weight of the product, final amount will be based on actual weight (usually within +/-5 to 10%)

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