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❄️美國 野生帶子 U.S. Captains Call Wild Caught Bay Scallops
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每包1磅 約60隻 Roughly 60 scallops per pack of 1lb 美國 Captain’s Call 帶子,是牌子中最頂尖的産品,即捕即船上冷凍。此野生帶子鮮味濃郁,味道鮮甜,是野生帶子中的極品! Captain's Call sea scallops are the best quality, top-of-the-trip scallops wild harvested in the North Atlantic waters. They are all natural, dry scallops with a delicate sweet flavour and exceptional texture. Captain's Call Scallops signify the most prized item…the best of the fisherman's catch. That's why Northern Wind named these scallops Captain's Call; for all of those hard-charging seaworthy captains who make them their #1 choice Size is the most obvious difference when distinguishing bay scallops and sea scallops; sea scallops are much larger than bay scallops-nearly three times the size. ... Bay scallops are sweeter, more tender, and typically used in seafood stews and casseroles. They're only found on the east coast in bays and harbors.
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