❄️美國 野生珍寶帶子 U.S. Captains Call Wild Caught Jumbo Scallops

大小 Scallop size



每包10隻1lb per pack of 10 每包10-20隻1lb per pack of 10-20 美國 Captain’s Call 帶子,是牌子中最頂尖的産品,即捕即船上冷凍。此野生帶子鮮味濃郁,味道鮮甜,是野生帶子中的極品! Captain's Call sea scallops are the best quality, top-of-the-trip scallops wild harvested in the North Atlantic waters. They are all natural, dry scallops with a delicate sweet flavour and exceptional texture. Captain's Call Scallops signify the most prized item…the best of the fisherman's catch. That's why Northern Wind named these scallops Captain's Call; for all of those hard-charging seaworthy captains who make them their #1 choice
