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❄️美國 頂級封門柳牛肉 U.S. Greater Omaha Prime Hanger Steak
Beli banyak lebih hemat
切割類型 Type of cut
去肥兩條 Fully trimmed 2pcs
原裝一條 Untrimmed 1pc
Tambah ke Keranjang
已修剪 $480/kg 每包兩條大約600g per pack of 2pcs fully trimmed hangers 原條未修 $360/kg 每包一條大約800g-1kg per pack of 1pc untrimmed hanger 封門柳為牛橫隔膜肌肉,每隻牛只有一條,較為罕有。雖油花較少,但肉質十分腍,而且肉味濃,適合喜歡肉味濃者。火鍋、炒餸,炆煮都十分適合 The hanger steak hangs (hence the name) between the rib and the loin, where it supports the diaphragm. Hanger steak comes from the lower belly of a heifer or steer and is comprised of a pair of muscles that make a sort of v-shape. Although there is a long inedible membrane running down the middle, hanger steak is often the tenderest cut of meat. Hanger steak is often seen on a European bistro menu and you may also hear it referred to as "skirt" in Europe. Because the hanger steak comes from a supporting rather than active muscle, it yields more tender meat than the skirt or flank. However, that the hanger steak can get tough when improperly prepared; the tenderness suffers when exposed to dry heat for a long time. This steak fares best at medium rare cooking; anything above medium can make it tough. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item
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