❄️荷蘭 野生原條龍脷 Holland Wild Caught Whole Dover Sole



$580/kg 每條約300-500g (average weight per fish) * 原條、厚肉,可原條蒸、焗、煎 * 已完全清潔及去腸,解凍後可立即使用 真正的歐洲龍脷,同種魚類中最矜貴一種 * Whole fish, cleaned and gutted, ready to use after defrosting * Excellent for steaming, oven grill or pan fry Real Dover sole flown in from Europe, a rich, buttery fish. The Holland Dover Sole meat is white in color, medium-firm in texture, and processes a mild flavor. It can be prepared either steamed, fried, broiled, microwaved or baked and can be simply spiced with salt and pepper or combined with rich flavored sauces. The Holland Dover Sole is a very special luxury item that is considered to be the best of all soles. The Holland Dover Sole is in the sole family and is marketed primarily in the whole gutted form while the less expensive West Coast Dover Sole is in the flounder family and is primarily marketed in the fillet form. These two fish should not be considered comparable in terms of either price or quality. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item

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