❄️西班牙 橡果黑毛豬豬扇肉 Spain Iberico Pork Abanico Fan Meat



$280/kg 每包1-2塊約350g per pack of 2-3 Abanico (Fan Cut) 是位於肋骨上端的一塊肉,有高度幼細的脂肪分佈,但又不會過肥。可以整塊煮,切片或切成小方塊。名字源於與扇形張開的手掌相似,口感極之柔軟幾乎完全無纖維、多汁,非常適合明火燒烤或簡單的烤焗。 📌此產品之網上價錢是根據平均重量計算,最後單價需按實際重量計算(通常+/-5至10%) The Abanico Ibérico (Ibérico Fan Cut) is a fine, highly marbled cut yet not overly fatty, can be consumed whole, sliced or even cut into small cube like portions. Its name arises from the shape of the muscle that makes up the same, which is similar to the shape of a hand or an open hand fan. Its meat is very tasty and juicy, perfect for charcoal barbecuing or simply grilled. It can also be included in a variety of dishes. Stews, rice dishes, cooked dishes, skewers or kebabs etc. And don’t forget to keep all its fat on during its cooking. It is precisely in its fat marbling where a great part of the magic of its flavor is to be found. 📌 This is a pay-by-weight item. Listed price is based on average weight of the product, final amount will be based on actual weight (usually within +/-5 to 10%)a
