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❄️越南 有機紅樹林黑虎蝦 Vietnam Organic Whole Black Shrimps
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每盒五隻500g per box of 5 * 越南紅樹林有機培養 越南紅樹林生態位於越南湄公河三角洲河口,生物種群非常豐富,是越南重要的野生動物保護區,被聯合國教育科列入世界生物圈保護區名錄。生活在紅樹林的蝦和其他生物被「養殖」期間受最少的干預,基本上只吃那裡的微生物,和倚賴樹林的自然生態成長。 * Sustainably farmed in Vietnam mangrove forest Mekong Delta in Vietnam - an important wildlife reserve in Vietnam listed on the World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. Shrimps and other organisms living in mangroves are living under least interference during "farming". Shrimps thrive by consuming the microorganisms in the mangrove habitat and relying on the natural ecological system of the forest.
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