❄️馬來西亞 和南貓山王榴槤迷你冰皮月餅 Malaysia Hernan Musang King Durian Mini Snowy Mooncakes



每盒八個 50g x 8 per box * 不含防腐劑、人工原料 * 2024早鳥預訂價至8月14日 * 9月2-16日出貨 「和南」採用馬來西亞頂級貓山王的果肉金黃,比D24, D13, XO 級數還要高;冰皮皮薄,榴槤肉厚,味道香濃軟滑帶酒香,甜中帶甘,層次多變,是榴槤中的極品。 100% 純貓山王榴槤餡肉,馬來西亞製造。 📌 此商品需要冷藏 * Made with no preservatives and artificial ingredients * 2024 early bird price applies before 14/8/2024 * Delivery between 2nd-16th September 100% Musang King durian pulp, "Henan" adopts the top musang durian which is higher grade than D24, D13, XO durians. Thin snow skin with thick durian filling, soft and smooth with sweet fragrance. 📌 Must be kept frozen
